WHO Clinical Guideline Utilization and Digitization

In 2021, CNIS led consultation teams from Uganda and Nigeria on clinicalguideline utilization for the Product Design and Impact (PDI), QualityAssurance, Norms and Standards, Science Division of the WHO. InSeptember 2022, Dr. Lett was invited to present the guideline utilizationassessments at a global consultation in Geneva. Subsequently, CNIS wasregistered as a WHO corporate supplier and entered two Agreements forPerformance of Work (APW) with the PDI unit. Thefirst APW was to write achapter for the Current Process of Guideline Development & Implementationwhich recommended guideline digitization. The second was to demonstratethe digitizing of two WHO guidelines. CNIS, with the help from another WHOsupplier, digitized the Injury Surveillance and the Community Violence &Injury Guidelines through a process which updated guidelines by mappingthem to ICD11 and digitizing them into a machine-readable template. Theguidelines were validated using 3 case studies and demonstrated as highfidelity wireframes.