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Category: Publications
WHO Clinical Guideline Utilization and Digitization
In 2021, CNIS led consultation teams from Uganda and Nigeria on clinicalguideline utilization for the Product Design and Impact (PDI), QualityAssurance, Norms and Standards, Science Division of the WHO. InSeptember 2022, Dr. Lett was invited to present the guideline utilizationassessments at a global consultation in Geneva. Subsequently, CNIS wasregistered as a WHO corporate supplier and…
Skills Training in Tanzania
The Digitized Fundamental Interventions Referral and Safe Transfer (FIRST) for clinical Officers led by Dr. Badria Mushi and FIRST for midwives led by Mrs.Leah Makala were taught in a hybrid format in Tanga, Tanzania. Subsequently, a FIRST instructors course for Clinical Officers and Midwives was taught to ensure that local faculty could sustain digital teaching.…
Trauma Team Training (TTT) in 9 Kenyan Counties
With the support of the Global Foundation of Geneva, the TTT course was digitized and made accessible to learners on mobile phone apps. The CNIS office in Vancouver was a software company some days and on others a film studio with lights, cameras, and green screens. Under the auspices of the ministry of Health of…