Dr. Heather Scott 


Dr. Scott is an Obstetrician Gynaecologist, Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist and Chief of Obstetrics at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University and is the Director of the Global Health Unit in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Dr. Scott is an instructor for CNIS and is also an instructor with Alarm Canada and Alarm International. She has taught Obstetrical Triage and Saving Mothers Lives and has been a member of research teams in Tanzania and Rwanda where the focus has been mentorship to improve maternal and newborn outcomes. She has taught for CNIS in Mwanza Tanzania.

Canadian Network For International Surgery
Suite #212 – 1650 Duranleau Street
Vancouver BC  Canada V6H 3S4
